30 Mayıs 2021 Pazar
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Poster Survey
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Logo Survey Result
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Mixed Group Products/ Virtual Social Media Accounts
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Successful People Lists
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Mixed Groups' Metting - Art
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Virtual School Boards
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / All 10 Schools' All Posters e-Book
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Happy Ethics Week!
Nevsehir High School / Happy May 19, Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day
Mine NURLU / All Schools' Posters on Successful People
28 Mayıs 2021 Cuma
27 Mayıs 2021 Perşembe
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / A video of Our Students' Working on the Word Clouds on Literature and Sport
I would be glad to share my students' working process on the word clouds about successful people on literature and sport.
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Word Clouds on Science, Art, Literature and Sport
My students got so excited when they heard that they were going to do word clouds like the ones they see in magazines. They searched for the web 2.0 tools to do a word cloud and they unanimously decided to use WordArt. They scanned our posters on the themes "science", "art", "literature" and "sport". So, they discussed on what to write on the clouds. Thus, our adventure started. They told that it was a really enjoying activity to do these clouds :) Here are their clouds. Hope you like them...
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / A Video of Our Posters on Sport
Here is the video of our sports posters. Thank you for watching...
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / Posters on Sport
After completing our science, art, literature and sport posters, our students started to make researches on successful sports people. After they have made up their minds, they have designed these posters. Thanks to them for their diligent works.
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School / A Video of Literature Posters
We have made a video of our literature posters. Enjoy watching...
When it came to make posters on successful people in literature, my students have freely decided on who to work on. Here are their posters. Enjoy them...
24 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi
22 Mayıs 2021 Cumartesi
21 Mayıs 2021 Cuma
15 Mayıs 2021 Cumartesi
12 Mayıs 2021 Çarşamba
11 Mayıs 2021 Salı
Nevsehir High School / Our Word Clouds on Successful People in Science and Art
Making word clouds bay be the most enjoyable activity our group members have had. We all enjoyed while making these clouds. What about you?
Nevsehir High School / Art Posters
Here are our posters about successful people in art.
We have had great time while preparing them.
We have made excessive research and learned how to use web 2.0 tools to make posters.
Hope you enjoy our works...
Nevsehir High School / Science Posters
We have so enjoyed while desinging our posters about successful people in science.
Hope you like our works..
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School Project Team / Pleased to meet you all...
We are so happ to meet you all in this project...
10 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi
9 Mayıs 2021 Pazar
Mine Nurlu / Nevsehir High School/ eTwinning Day
Happy eTwinning Day! / Nevsehir High School
Happy eTwinning Day / Nevsehir High School
We have celebrated eTwinning Day with some activities. Here is our celebration card: